Social–ecological benefits of land–sea planning at multiple scales in Mesoamerica
Jade M. S. Delevaux, Jess M. Silver, Samantha G. Winder, Nadia Bood, Luis Chevez, Pilar Velásquez, Alejandra Calzada Vázquez Vela, Ryan Barlett, Maria Amalia Porta, Stacie A. Wolny, Allison Bailey, Melanie McField, Aarón Israel Muñiz-Castillo & Katie K. Arkema
Beneficiaries, Equity, and Trade-Offs in Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystem Services
Katie K Arkema, Samantha K Cunningham, Jade MS Delevaux, Baldera Guzmán Celina, Sarah Klain, Joleah B Lamb, Laura K Nelson, Steven Scyphers, Heidi Stewart, Ariana Sutton-Grier (2024) Beneficiaries, Equity, and Trade-Offs in Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystem Services.
Modeling Marine Ecosystem Services
Jade MS Delevaux, Natural Capital Project, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States and Seascape Solutions LLC, HI, United States
Anne D Guerry, Natural Capital Project, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States and School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States
Robert Griffin, Natural Capital Project, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States and School for Marine Science and Technology, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dartmouth, MA, United States
Mary H Ruckelshaus, Natural Capital Project, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States and School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States
First published: 2023
Effects of Multiple Drivers of Environmental Change on Native and Invasive Macroalgae in Nearshore Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems
B. K. Okuhata, J.M.S. Delevaux, A. Richards Donà, C. M. Smith, V. L. Gibson, H. Dulai, A. I. El-Kadi, K. Stamoulis, K. M. Burnett, C. A. Wada, L. L. Bremer (2023) Effects of Multiple Drivers of Environmental Change on Native and Invasive Macroalgae in Nearshore Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems
First published: 17 July 2023
Rapid Site Selection to Prioritize Coastal Seascapes for Nature-Based Solutions With Multiple Benefits
Simon J. Pittman, Kostantinos A. Stamoulis, Marina Antonopoulou, Himansu S. Das, Mohammad Shahid, Jade M. S. Delevaux, Lisa M. Wedding, Daniel Mateos-Molina (2022) Rapid Site Selection to Prioritize Coastal Seascapes for Nature-Based Solutions With Multiple Benefits
Published: 29 April 2022
Evidence-based target setting informs blue carbon strategies for nationally determined contributions
Katie K. Arkema, Jade M.S. Delevaux, Jessica M. Silver, Samantha G. Winder, Lisa M. Schile-Beers, Nadia Bood, Stephen Crooks, Karen Douthwaite, Courtney Durham, Peter L. Hawthorne, Thomas Hickey, Colin Mattis, Andria Rosado, Mary Ruckelshaus, Moritz von Unger & Arlene Young (2023) Evidence-based target setting informs blue carbon strategies for nationally determined contributions
Front. Mar. Sci., 29 April 2022
Identifying wastewater management tradeoffs: Costs, nearshore water quality, and implications for marine coastal ecosystems in Kona, Hawai‘i
Christopher A. Wada,Kimberly M. Burnett ,Brytne K. Okuhata, Jade M. S. Delevaux, Henrietta Dulai,Aly I. El-Kadi,Veronica Gibson,Celia Smith,Leah L. Bremer (2021) Identifying wastewater management tradeoffs: Costs, nearshore water quality, and implications for marine coastal ecosystems in Kona, Hawai‘i
Published: September 8, 2021
A density-dependent multi-species model to assess groundwater flow and nutrient transport in the coastal Keauhou aquifer, Hawai‘i, USA
Brytne K. Okuhata, Aly I. El-Kadi, Henrietta Dulai, Jonghyun Lee, Christopher A. Wada, Leah L. Bremer, Kimberly M. Burnett, Jade M. S. Delevaux & Christopher K. Shuler A (2021) density-dependent multi-species model to assess groundwater flow and nutrient transport in the coastal Keauhou aquifer, Hawai‘i, USA, Hydrogeology Journal, 30: 231–250
Effects of land-cover and watershed protection futures on sustainable groundwater management in a heavily utilized aquifer in Hawai‘i (USA)
Leah L. Bremer, Ahmed S. Elshall, Christopher A. Wada, Laura Brewington, Jade M.S. Delevaux, Aly I. El-Kadi, Clifford I. Voss & Kimberly M. Burnett (2020) Effects of land-cover and watershed protection futures on sustainable groundwater management in a heavily utilized aquifer in Hawai‘i (USA) Hydrogeology Journal, 29: 1749–1765
Incorporating Historical Spring Discharge Protection Into Sustainable Groundwater Management: A Case Study From Pearl Harbor Aquifer, Hawai‘i
Kimberly M. Burnett, Ahmed S. Elshall, Christopher A. Wada, Aida Arik, Aly El-Kadi, Clifford I. Voss, Jade M. S. Delevaux, Leah L. Bremer (2020) Incorporating Historical Spring Discharge Protection Into Sustainable Groundwater Management: A Case Study From Pearl Harbor Aquifer, Hawai‘i, Frontiers Water, 2
Place-based management can reduce human impacts on coral reefs in a changing climate
Jade M.S. Delevaux*, Kostantinos A. Stamoulis*, Robert Whittier, Stacy D. Jupiter, Leah Bremer, Alan Friedlander, Natalie Kurashima, Jonatha Giddens, Kawika Winter, Mehana Blaich-Vaughan, Kimberly Burnett, Cheryl Geslani, Tamara Ticktin
Ecological Applications, 29(4), e01891, May 2019
Managing Local Stressors for Coral Reef Condition and Ecosystem Services Delivery Under Climate
Mariska Weijerman, Lindsay Veazey, Susan Yee, Kellie Vaché, Jade M. S. Delevaux, Mary K. Donovan, Kim Falinski, Joey Lecky, Kirsten L. L. Oleson
Frontiers in Marine Science 5:425. November 2018
Linking Land and Sea through Collaborative
Research to Inform Contemporary applications of
Traditional Resource Management in Hawai‘i
Jade M.S. Delevaux, Kawika B. Winter, Stacy D. Jupiter, Mehana Blaich-Vaughan, Kostantinos A. Stamoulis, Leah L. Bremer, Kimberly Burnett, Peter Garrod, Jacquelyn L. Troller, Tamara Ticktin
Sustainability, 10, 3147, September 2018
Modeling multiple sea level rise stresses reveals up to twice the land at risk compared to strictly passive
flooding methods
Tiffany R. Anderson, Charles H. Fletcher, Matthew M. Barbee, Bradley M. Romine, Sam Lemmo, Jade M.S. Delevaux
Scientific Reports 8:14484. September 2018
Top 100 Scientific Reports Geology paper in 2018
Scenario planning with linked land-sea models inform where forest conservation actions will promote
coral reef resilience
Jade M.S. Delevaux, Stacy D. Jupiter, Kostantinos A. Stamoulis, Leah L. Bremer, Amelia S. Wenger, Rachel Dacks, Peter Garrod, Kim Falinski, Tamara Tickti
Scientific Reports, 8:12465, August 2018
Top 100 Scientific Reports Ecology paper in 2018
Seascape models reveal places to focus coastal fisheries management
Kostantinos A. Stamoulis*, Jade M. S. Delevaux*, Ivor D. Williams, Matthew Poti, Joey Lecky, Bryan Costa, Matthew S. Kendall, Simon J. Pittman, Mary K. Donovan, Lisa M. Wedding, and Alan M. Friedlander
Ecological Applications 28:910–925, May 2018
A linked land-sea modeling framework to inform ridge-to-reef management in high oceanic islands
Jade M. S. Delevaux, Robert Whittier, Kostantinos A. Stamoulis, Leah L. Bremer, Stacy Jupiter, Alan M. Friedlander, Matthew Poti, Greg Guannel, Natalie Kurashima, Kawika B. Winter, Robert Toonen, Eric Conklin, Chad Wiggins, Anders Knudby, Whitney Goodell, Kimberly Burnett, Susan Yee, Hla Htun, Kirsten L. L. Oleson, Tracy Wiegner, Tamara Ticktin
PLOS One, 13(3): e0193230. March 2018